Dusti Diener

Designer & Writer 

This piece is inspired by my mother’s post-cancer experience. At age 30, she was diagnosed with an aggressive desmoid cancer and at 31 underwent radiation and surgery. The surgery required the removal of all muscles on the left side of her back, and all but a dime-sized piece of scapula which was bone grafted to her rib cage in order to hold her arm in place. As a result, she was no longer able to be physically active. Were she to fall and break the graft, there would be nothing left of the scapula to regraft. She was forced to be a spectator for the rest of her life. But she never complained. She didn’t complain during our family vacation when she had to sit in the ski lodge and read. She didn’t complain after any of the plethora of soccer games and tennis matches she watched me play that these were things she no longer could. This altered t-shirt, with the word pro replacing anti, is meant to represent the positivity she has carried with her throughout this experience. She has embraced her life as a member of the PRO SOFA GLAM CLUB.